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Fresh Tracks

Manuel Riva X Eneli – Don’t Wanna Open My Eyes

Manuel Riva is a dance music producer and DJ. Though he was in the music industry for as long as he can remember, taking part in several successful projects for the time being, he started the MANUEL RIVA project in 2015. World wide known tracks such as MHM MHM, MODERN LOVE, MIAMI or WHAT MAMA SAID where played and are still being supported by world’s biggest DJ’s. Billboard Charting producer, […]

todayApril 20, 2024 44


Manuel Riva X Eneli – Strangers to Lovers

After the international success of the single "Mhm Mhm", Manuel Riva returns to his specific theme - the universe and, together with Eneli, releases "Strangers to Lovers", accompanied by a spectacular video made with the help of artificial intelligence. The release not only brings to the fore a captivating track, but also reveals the genuine story of friendship between the two artists. The collaboration between the well-known DJ and Eneli […]

todayJanuary 24, 2024 46